09 January 2010

How Many Blogs Does the World Need? By Michael Kinsley

The 2008 Time article written by Michael Kinsley plainly asks , " How many blogs does the world need ? " He makes it clear that this has become the era of technology and even politics have made its way to the Internet it the form of blogs. There are now thousands of people competing for the same information and now have the task of constantly going over facts mercilessly and performing at this heightened level of competency. One problem that arises is accuracy. However , blogging connects the world and is seen as a new literary form.

Application : " To blog or not to blog that is the question . "


1 comment:

  1. In response to application question : I think blogging is a good way to vent and get your thoughts to the world. Its like a giant white board on the web thats free for you to be as you want. At the same time there are so many blogs that not everyone can hope to get recognized. I personally right my blog as a way to vent, I mean after all I used to do that on Myspace, Facebook, etc. but do you think that I can do that anymore? Heck no...colleges are looking at my profile no matter how private I have it locked up. At least with a blog its a little harder to locate.
