09 January 2010

Stiff By Mary Roach ((Chunk 3))

In the closing chapter's of Mary Roach's book STIFF she discusses the advancements that past doctors have made regarding the process of brain stimulation after the person in question has said to be deceased. More so she discusses choices, the choice of the type of burial you would desire or would you desire to donate your body to science. At this point she is no longer just merely stating facts she now gives her opinion on the subject .

Application : Are you in favor of traditional burial or body donation ? Why ?

Style : What are her purposes at the close of the book ?

How Many Blogs Does the World Need? By Michael Kinsley

The 2008 Time article written by Michael Kinsley plainly asks , " How many blogs does the world need ? " He makes it clear that this has become the era of technology and even politics have made its way to the Internet it the form of blogs. There are now thousands of people competing for the same information and now have the task of constantly going over facts mercilessly and performing at this heightened level of competency. One problem that arises is accuracy. However , blogging connects the world and is seen as a new literary form.

Application : " To blog or not to blog that is the question . "


03 January 2010

Stiff By Mary Roach ((Chunk 2))

In these following chapters Roach gives light to the other purposes of cadavers. Aside from cosmetic practices, they have been used for the purpose of knowing, knowing the cause of devastating plane crashes and the knowing of why things occur as they do. The intricate lives of cadavers never ceases to be a fascinating one.  The bodies of cadavers, explained by Roach, plays a necessary role in expanding knowledge and discovering answers. They give way to new approaches that affords the luxuries of the living. Roach goes on to cite various professionals on their line of work, particularly a one Mr. Shanahan. The injury analyst helped give explanation to how tragedies happens when there isn't enough sunken wreckage forcing people such as Shanahan to look for human wreckage to paint the picture of what happened and why. Though the ever useful purposes of cadavers never ends, their lives or lack there of was once the muse of overly devoted anatomists whom often produced incorrect information.

Application  : Should there be boundaries to what a cadavers body can be used for ?

Style : How does Roach's blunt but at times self conscious nature create the stage for the topics at hand ? 

02 January 2010

Let Us Identify The Faggots And Then Inform Them Of Their Status BY Jack Polanski ((The Onion))

The satirical December 2009 post written by Jack Polanski in THE ONION is ultimately criticizing the human population and their judgemental demeanor's. It forces the readers to examine their behavior and how it portrays a sense of ignorance as it pertains to sexual orientation. He repeatedly uses the derogatory term "faggot" to show the weight the word itself carries and how the word is used by those who are not comfortable within themselves so must project their own insecurities upon the next person. Giving instances where some one's sexual orientation is not in fact what makes a man a faggot but a simple difference or disagreement. He shows that ones inclination to tell someone that they are indeed a faggot is motivated by one's own self loathing which prompts them to degrade their fellow man. At the close of the satirical piece he keeps his strong but ironic tone which evokes a change.

Application : How does one's use of derogatory terms show insight to their personality ?


23 December 2009

Stiff By Mary Roach ((Chunk 1))

The first four chapters of Mary Roach's morbidly fascinating book STIFF gives details as to what occurs to the cadavers that have been donated to science and to the betterment of studies. Roach elucidates the disparity between a "human" and a "cadaver" , she admits that there must be a disconnect from the deceased. She also speculates the importance of donating your body to science but also realizes that deceased in question deserved or had a right to decide exactly for what purpose their body was used for. It is said that the cadavers are used for many things ranging from things such as cosmetic surgery to crash test dummies.

Application : How does the increasing religious disconnect from one's body foreshadow the future in this situation.

Style : In what ways does Roach's blunt style contribute to her purpose ? What is/are her purpose(s) at this point ?

Entitlement Myths by Michael Kinsley ((Time Magazine))

Michael Kinsley's 2008 essay from the TIME Magazine examines the idea of entitlement as it pertains to social security, the Nations debt and things of that magnitude. It was reported that the the value of everybody assets was $56.5 trillion, but the value of our liabilities was $56.4 trillion. It seems certain that we are now on the verge of owing more than we are worth. The families in the United States and the Government Officials tendency to borrow irresponsibly has ultimately put this nation in an economic crisis. Much of the money from the companies such as social security and medicare, however, give the old age money which untimely deaths entitle to their children and grandchildren. It seems that increasingly the generation passing on is passing on hundreds of thousands of dollars to their future generations,, most of whom didn't acquire the money through hard work but rather through Medicare and Social Security.

Application : Should coming up generations have an entitlement to the older generations rewards ?


The Narrative of Frederick Douglass

I did not have a favorite passage or scene in the Narrative of Frederick Douglass, but i was pleased when i was able to identify the syntatical devices that he used throughout the text. It allowed me to acquire a greater appreciation for Douglass' work and the effort that he placed into his craft.